You realize you are running low on cat food, so you tell a conversational AI device to order more. You plan to order flowers for your mother for her birthday, you tell a conversational AI device to tell you what flower shops are open locally and what hours. You want to hit up the best new restaurant in town with a new love interest, so you tell a conversational AI device to make your reservations.

These are not scenes from the future; these are things that happen every day thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Why are consumers so in love with conversational AI? Here are a few things you should know as a business owner considering utilizing conversational AI for the benefit of your business. 

Conversational AI allows rapid access to a consumer's needs. 

People these days lead busy lives. Therefore, having access to something that will immediately understand their needs and follow directions without any input from them is important. They can use a platform on their phone to give commands to order dinner for the night while driving home from work without having to punch buttons or talk to an actual person, for example. These platforms make it so simple to handle everyday tasks that it can truly simplify a consumer's life. 

Conversational AI allows for reliable customer service results. 

Call centers that specialize in customer service for businesses work super hard to train all employees to give superior customer service, and they do so by instilling in them the rules that must be followed. However, there is a human factor that can interfere with good customer service and that makes actual human interaction not as reliable as you may expect. With a conversational AI platform used for customer service purposes, consumers know exactly what they can expect every time they use the platform with no real variables involved. 

Conversational AI is cool and modern. 

Think back to popular shows like The Jetsons and how they achieved everyday tasks like ordering food, getting to work, or other stuff, and you can see why people these days are so drawn to conversational AI platforms, services, and devices. The simple truth is, people are infatuated with things that wholly represent what it is like to live in the future. These devices and platforms essentially allow people to interact with a computer that is fully capable of getting things done. 
