If you are looking to purchase a domain name, you need to do so carefully. Since your website is a major investment of time and money, you want the best domain to help translate your message. Here are some tips to keep in mind when you are choosing a domain name:

Research Diligently

Before you choose a domain, you need to do some research. You should know your niche and your audience. The goal is to pick a name that will resonate with your users. Be sure to research the most popular search terms and keywords surrounding your niche to help you determine the best name that represents what you represent.  

Make it Memorable

As you consider different domain names, be sure it is something your users will remember. You do not want a domain that is too long and drawn out. You want a name that is catchy so it increases the odds of your users remembering it.

Do Not Infringe on Trademarks

You need to consider trademark infringement as you choose a domain. You do not want to choose a domain that is too closely related to other, more established brands. This can land you in legal hot water.

Choose a Few Alternatives

In addition to purchasing a domain, you should also consider some alternatives in the event users mistype your original name. Think about purchasing a domain with the first initial of each word. For example, fb.com links directly to Facebook.

Secure Your Social Media Platforms

Once you know what you want your domain to be, go ahead and look up your domain on different social media platforms. If they are not in use, reserve your page on the most popular platforms. Do this even if you do not have current plans to utilize these platforms right away. At least you will have them reserved if and when you decide to add them to your business model.

Choose Something Long-Lasting

A website is a major investment—one you likely hope to have for many years to come. Do not choose a domain based on something trendy at the moment. Think about longevity and what will resonate with users for years.

Ask for Suggestions

If you are still stuck on a domain name, consider asking people for opinions. Tell friends, family, or co-workers your ideas and what you want to accomplish. Ask for advice as to whether or not the name makes sense to them and if they would easily remember it. You could also consult with a domain name broker for help.
